YOGA AND AYURVEDA INSIGHTS – Oprah’s Four “R’s” (from O Magazine)

Oprah’s Four “R’s”

(YSN Vol. 1, No. 1 – Nov. 2013)
“Retreat. Relax. Restore. Renew.” So says Oprah, writing from Ananda spa in the foothills of the Himalayas near Rishikesh, India. In her February 2014 issue of Oprah magazine, she preaches “taking time for yourself in the name of wellness,” describing the gift of the opportunity to make the pilgrimage to Ananda, what she calls “the most authentic spa experience” she’s ever had. Her most important message, though, is that to find the stillness and is the centered space abiding within us, you do not have to travel to the Himalayas; “wherever you are right now….it is.”

Read more at “What I Know for Sure,” O Magazine, February 2014, p. 140.